Andrew, this is just brilliant!!!! Thank you for your clarification and if I may, I would like to reference your article in future articles I write.
I have read many articles on the definition of racism but this is by far the clearest (even with some of the high English language I needed to look up) exposition of this topic I have seen.
Recently I explained that white privilege, as a byproduct of white supremacy, exists globally, even in non white majority nations. In your detailed response on Africa, and as an example, I remember when the expulsion of white farmers from Zimbabwe drew worldwide condemnation while the oppression of Black people in those nations expressing their condemnation continued.
Even though I do not agree with Mugabe’s regime, neither do I agree with the sanctions placed on Zimbabwe at that time and that continue to this day. Had the situation been reversed (and it is being reversed with Zimbabwe offering reparations to the expelled white farmers) their would be very little condemnation such is the power of white supremacy.