David, have you considered how ironic your response is?
You begin by repeating in another way the title of my post “I’m not racist, but racial equity really is a zero sum game”.
Then in your first example you go on to declare that you are “sexist” by describing how giving women the vote diminishes your voting power.
Next, by your definition there are not enough natural resources to go around so by those that have the resources hoarding far more than they could ever use, this is zero sum.
By you not hating Latinos is actually a win win, and to think that by you not hating them it is a win for them. I would say this is in the realms of xenophobia and narcissism.
That in your opinion Anti-Racism is a Marxist ideology
Then to top it all you delve into homophobia by declaring gay marriage is a drain on the availability of marriage tax breaks, when this should always have been available to all, gay or straight.
I need to congratulate you because by your response you have pretty much offended everyone.