Interesting that you ask. There have been key points in history where our collective voices have been heard and at these points, we have moved the needle for the betterment of Black people and people of colour. But after these key moments progress stops. It’s like racism recognises that it must do something to keep us quiet. The situation changes and we accept what we have won then go silent again until the next time.
We all must make a sustained antiracism campaign so that the systemic, institutional, interpersonal and internalised racism we face is constantly faced with resistance. We Black people need to be an immovable object that refuses to allow the pages of the racial taxonomy, written by a white man in the 1700s to continue to knowingly and unknowingly benefit the white man to this day.
When I say that we have been silent for too long, what I mean is that we have not been vocal enough in between the key points in history when white people take notice.