Oh Rebecca that's terrible and I agree with many others that you should use install security cameras. Here is a link to one I bought for my mum. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Reolink-Security-Camera-Monitor-Viewing-4mp-Wifi-Indoor-Black/dp/B08S6TKP26?pd_rd_w=2H0ol&pf_rd_p=71bfe4b9-0336-4624-8bfc-162b743e3daf&pf_rd_r=A44X6CSKZXB1K1R4Z23K&pd_rd_r=7ff6a789-5098-4e0d-ae9c-eff262dc3ab4&pd_rd_wg=73Ieg&pd_rd_i=B08S6TKP26&ref_=pd_bap_d_rp_1_t&th=1
You can buy several and connect them together. It is free standing so you don't need to attach it to anything. It takes an SD card and you can set a recording schedule i.e for when you are out at work or when you are away on business. It can send push notifications so you know when it detects movement in your apartment. You can also see what is going on in your apartment from anywhere in the world.
Finally, I would report them to the rental agent so that nobody else has to go through your experience. I hope that you don't have to stay there much longer my friend.