Since becoming deeply engaged in DE&I topics and being invited to be an ally for the LGBTQ+ community at work, I have spent quite some time and energy on breaking my own stereotypes, biases and prejudices. Many have become friends.
This topic has challenged me. I have not seen “The Closer” yet but what I have done is sought out articles that look at the topic from different view points. The articles Rebecca and you have written have been very enlightening, and I read this article from Zuva this morning and it gave me another slant on the topic.
I don’t believe that Chapelle was looking to trigger a debate, he is an entertainer and is controversial in order to make money. So I don’t credit him for his opinion.
What I do give him credit for is for busting this issue wide open and causing us to think critically. Especially those of us that are broad minded enough to get out of our own way and objectively consider other opinions.
Thank you Britni and my friend Rebecca for your articles on this extremely challenging topic.