There are a number of reasons as I see it. If you are knowingly racist you know that if you share you have to give something. If you know you are racist you have a choice: either you stay in the sin of racism, or you become anti-racist and willingly do all you can and give all you can to change the situation.
The dangerous place to be is to be unknowingly racist. This is the situation for many reading this article and articles like it. If you don’t know that you are racist, all you will see is Black people and people of colour: complaining about their lot, bleating about how unfair it is, and wanting to take what is your right away from you or constantly demanding handouts.
Until your eyes have been opened to the reality and toxicity of racism, and until you embrace the fact that in reality you are racist, your position will never change. You will continue to demand that you are not racist when being non-racist is not an option. Either you are racist or you are anti-racist, there is no fence sitting position.
One response to this article said “When would we be able to say that racism has gotten better?” I would say it’s when you no longer need to ask the question, because you already know the answer.
“What is the measurement for its improvement or worsening?” It’s when Black people and people of colour like Rebecca and me no longer have to write articles like this.