Umi I can totally understand your despondency because our efforts against racism often feel like a drop of water on a hot stone.
The important point is that you are not doing this alone. There are many white people who are strong AntiRacism allies and there are many more so called “not racists” that with education would understand that doing nothing is not an option. Either they are racist by their inaction or they decide to become Antiracist by deciding to take action.
It’s not our job to educate them, but I and others do want to reach them so that they can be triggered into educating themselves.
With inaction you are right systemic racism will be here to stay. To use your analogy how do you get fossil fuel giants to go green? You change the environment around them so that they have no other choice.
With racism we need to keep telling people that if they see, hear, witness racism or perpetrate racism and are not willing to do anything about it, they are RACIST.